If you have run a Summit Hash and would like to have your picture on this page, Please email the Webmeister.
Please include the following: Hash Name, Home Hash, Year and date started hashing, and a few words you would like on your picture (see examples below). Please supply a picture, or if you like the Webmeister will try to find one of you after you supply your hash name, etc.
“Secaucless“- Webmeister ’22-23
Original Hash= Long Beach H3.
First Hash Easter Sunday 1985 (April 7th).
Past Failings:
On-Sec NYCH3, FCH3, NYH3, SH3
Hash Scribe – FCH3, NYH3, SH3
Hash Haberdasher – FCH3, SH3
At 6-2024, ~1890 Hashes, ~295 as Hare- butt who’s counting?
“Massengil” Hashing since 1987. Mother Hash: Summit H3 then NYCH3 then On-Back to Summit H3. Shared mud, sweat, and beer with the Bangkok Mens Hash, Tokyo Mens Hash, Manila HHH, Kuala Lumpur, Angeles City Philippines, Phuket, Long Beach, Pattaya Dirt Road, London, Fontainebleau Hash (France), Denver High Altitude Hash, Costa Rica, Toronto, Green Mountain, Queens, Dallas, Houston, Brooklyn, NYH3, Rumson, Philadelphia, Rhode Island, Princeton, Hackensack, and Jersey Gypsy HHH. Drank heartily with the gentlemen and special ladies of the Chang Mai HHH.
“Tubslut” – Home Hash – New York H3 March ’89. Left NYH3 in 2004 to join Halve Mein. Split my hashing beween Summit, NYCH3, CUNT, BJH3, BAH3, H5, and Rumson when I’m not hiking the Appalacian Trail by sections ( see picture), or at out-of town hashing events ( which are my mainstay). R.I.P. Tubby
“Suck ’em up” Mother and home hash: Summit H3 Started hashing June 26, 1989 – ” Put your beer down, you’re gonna need two hands for this song.”
“Orgasmitron” 1989 Summit “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.” Yogi Berra
“No Genitals“
Home Hash: Summit H3
Mother Hash: Madison H3
Started: Spring, 1991
“Loves shiggy! Met some great people and have some really good times hashing!”
“Cereal Killer” (aka cK) was introduced to hashing by his good friend and AXP brother Dancing Fool in 1992 at the Mosquito County HHH in Orlando, FL.
cK served as Grand Master of the Summit Hash from 2001 – 2002 and got SH3 on the web by securing and setting up www.hashnj.com. cK started hashing with SH3 in 1997 and has bestowed many an ass related name to unsuspecting hashers since then.
“Anticoch” Hashing since 1994. Home Hash is Happy Valley, MA (as of 816/13). My first hash was a combination Eerie / Pittsburgh lingerie hash at the old Allegheny Phi Psi Poly Party in Blooming Valley, PA. Strange folks in lingerie I thought, but boy do they drink alot of beer…what the heck, It can’t hurt…came home and hashed with Worcester, until the inaugural Happy Valley Hash in Amherst, Mass. Often hashing with Summit ( My “Hometown Hash”) too.
“RearEnd Wrangler“: I hashed a couple times during the late ’90’s on business trips to Asia and once in Rhode Island and then found my way to Summit H3 on their #678 on June 4, 2001. I fell into the typical hasher profile described by Mr. Jackson: “male, in his 40’s, admist relationship issues and drinking problems”. As for the hashname: I had a Jeep years ago that almost found it’s way to back itself into a bank building (without me in it) and the noming committee at the time liked names referring to “ass”.
Jersey Whore H3 as a frequent visitor SH3/SFMH3 (Summit), RH3 (Rumson), PH3 (Princeton) & BJH3 (Bimbos of Jersey). Founder 8″+H3 (next time it snows enough in NJ); Regular visitor to the hashes in Europe, AH3 (Amsterdam), a couple Asia hashes – Hong Kong WH3 (Wanchia)/FCH3 (Free China), SH3 (Shekou China), the Singapore hashes, Atlanta area as well as the US ‘Left Coast’ and a bunch of other random places that I put on Half-mind’s ‘Where Have I Hashed’ list. Major hashing road trips- Malaysia – Nash Hash 2006, Americas Interhashes: Costa Rica 2003, Toronto 2005, Puerto Vallarta 2007, Colorado 2009, Savannah 2011, Panama 2013 and adding to the list.
Mismanagements: SFMH3 JM – ’02; SH3 Trailmaster – ’03; SH3 JM – ’04; SH3 GM – ’05;
SH3 accompissments: Best Virgin Lay – ’01; Best On-On – ’02; Ballbuster Trail – ’03; Best Trail – ’04; Best Beer Check – ’06. Most Shiggy Trail – ’11. Since then I have been a major underachiever.
“I-Feel Tower“. I began hashing at the Richmond Hash in ‘97. The Summit Hash feels like home, now. I love shiggy, travel hashing, hash flashing & making/selling/wearing weird haberdashery. I’ve started 11 hash house harrier kennels including: Titanic Memorial Full Moon ‘02, Hoodoo ‘05, Derry ‘06, Tumbling Dice Full Moon ‘08, CoMoTION ‘08, Louisville ‘09, Lexington Lunatics ‘10, Long Island Lunatics ‘12, Wet Cunt ’12, Queens Black Knights ’13 and Skull & Boners ’13.
“Sweet Pee” started hashing January 1999. She was awarded the coveted title of “Ms. Interhash” in 2001 during the America’s Interhash event in Costa Rica. Sweet Pee was the Grand Mattress of SH3 from 2004 – 2005. Sweet Pee was also known for her Jello Wrestling prowess (Cardiff, Wales) as well as her ability to glug a down-down in the blink of an eye.
“Luke Fairy“, mother hash Pittsburgh Hash House Harriers, hashing since 2002
“Bleu my Meat” started hashing in 1999 in Grafenwöhr Germany, a northern Bavarian hamlet on the Czech border, when Bleu and a few soldiers heard about half minds drinking beer & setting trail, and decided they should try it Army style. Reminiscent of the movie Stripes, they nearly re-started the Cold War. After Bleu was sprung from the brig, he hashed around Europe with the Heidelberg and Stuttgart hashes. Bleu’s first Summit hash was also in 1999. “Where the hell have you been soldier……Training, Sir…..What kind of training son…..Hash training, Sir”
“Whomp’em” Summit H3 9/7/02.
My first hash on September 7, 2002 was on the best NUDE beach on the East Coast: Gunnison Beach, Sandy Hook, NJ. I had met Papoose at a company function and being in hash recruiting mode, he invited me to the “No Frills Clothing Optional Hash” that Summit H3 and Rvmson hosted on the Saturday after Labor Day weekend. The ferry to Sandy Hook stopped running after Labor Day, so it seemed like a good idea to see what this “Drinking Club with a Running Problem” was all about. When I started hashing with Summit H3, it was predominantly male kennel with only three Harriettes: Twatever, Prodigy and Splice Girl, that came regularly. I truly lived to hash since Papoose introduced me to hashing almost one year to the day after I survived the attacks on the World Trade Center.
This picture was taken on trail at 2004 World Interhash in Cardiff. On-On to twelve years and many travel hashes later: I’m an active hasher, but not as active a Summit H3 hasher as a travel hasher. At CoMotion By the Ocean 2013 meeting another hasher and as we introduced ourselves, we discovered we’re both Summit H3 hashers, I just hadn’t hashed with Summit H3 in a long while.
I like to walk trail so my preference is chicken trail, have been known to follow the mandate “never leave camp” and most definitely believe nude is best (if it’s warm enough).
“Tickets” – first hash rumson 2004….first summit hash 2012…..founding member of hottub (one word) hash house harriers a small traveling kennel that can be found on hashspace…….and obviously trunk beer
“Loogie” Mother Hash – Saipan H3 Home Hash – Summit, since 2005 – “Cover your filthy holes.”
“Comfy Hole“, Summit H3, 2005
“Little Sacks / Li’l Sacs / Deranged” AKA LSD
Mother Hash: Everyday Is Wednesday Hash House Harriers / White House Hash House Harriers
Home Hash: Summit Hash House Harriers
First hashing date: Summer 2007; Starting Hashing with SH3 in Spring 2008, Named SH3 Memorial Day Hash 2008
Small blurb or quote: “LSD has proven himself to be a distinguishing member of the Jersey Whore Hash House Harriers by participating and attending by SH3, SFMH3, PH3, RH3, and BJH3.” LSD
“Pedal File“
Kennel: Summit H3 – 1/1/2010
Quote: “I push big gears down and pull them up…plus hashing with my beloved SH3.”
“Pussy Destroyer“, Summit H3, First Hash – May 3, 2010
“Douche Brag“, Home hash: Summit, First Hash: August 2, 2010
Quote: “Enough about me, what do you think of me?”
“Wet Spot“, Summit H3 since July 30, 2012? (not sure if 2011 or 2012); Hashing makes a bad memory worse, so I don’t know how long I’ve been hashing but I know I’ll just keep doing it!
“Kojak Moment“, started in 2012, home hash is Princeton H3. SH3 always jokes he is a visitor, but Kojak is a Summit Hasher through and through.
“Super Spreader” Home hash-Summit H3 Virgin hash-PD’s Deck Hash July 13, 2015
“Ass-Q” Summit – May 2016
“Fucks Like a Tank”; Home kennel is Jersey Devil H3 (Co-GM 2016-present); Been hashing since 2012. I took 3rd place “Best Looking Penis” at a nudist Resort. It was stiff competition! First Summit Hash was in 2017.
“Big -Surprise” – first hash in Singapore in the late 90’s, then nothing until June 2019 when I found the SH3 half minds and decided that I really should waste my time doing shiggy in NJ with them.
“Park and Ride” Summit H3 – First Hash was day of SH3’s 40th Anniversary 11/29/20. This was also DogMeat’s Don’t Be A Turkey Hash.
“Two Timer” Summit H3 – First Hash was SH3 #2070 April 10, 2021 in Springfield, hared by Orgasmitron and Cheeky Bastard.